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Test Equipment


SKU Name
CDRM Corentium Home by Airthings
CND $179.95 (USD $120.39)
Pen-S220 Smoke-Pen
CND $59.95 (USD $40.11)
Hose-G Hose kit Available red, green, yellow or blue
CND $39.95 (USD $26.73)
Refill-S221 Smoke-Pen refill wicks
CND $49.95 (USD $33.42)
DF-FLD Dragon puffer refill fluid
CND $5.95 (USD $3.98)
Dwyer-166-6 Dwyer 6" Pitot tube
CND $149.95 (USD $100.32)
PFEDK PFEDK Rn Diagnostic Tool Kit
CND $2,295.95 (USD $1,535.99)
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