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Crawlspace Supplies


StegoCrawl Wrap Vapor Retarder 6 MIL
SKU: StegoCrawl-6

StegoCrawl Wrap  Vapor Retarder is puncture resistant 6 mil fire retardent vapor retarder specifically designed to be used to encapsulate crawlspace floors and walls to protect the building envelope from moisture vapor and soil gas transmission. Role size 12' X 100' (3.66 X 30.5 meters)

CND $159.95 (USD $107.01)
Qty Out of stock
StegoCrawl Wrap Vapor Retarder 10 MIL
SKU: StegoCrawl-10

StegoCrawl Wrap  **New Larger Role** Vapor Retarder is puncture resistant 10 mil fire retardent vapor retarder specifically designed to be used to encapsulate crawlspace floors and walls to protect the building envelope from moisture vapor and soil gas transmission. Role size 12' X 100' (3.66 X 30.5 meters)

CND $399.95 (USD $267.57)
Qty (from 1 to 11)
StegoWrap White retarder tape
SKU: Stego-Tape

StegoCrawl white retarder tape with a strong adhesive on one side. Used for joining StegoCrawl Wrap vapor retarder (vapour barrier) seams. Role 3.75" X 180' (9.5 6cm X 54.9 meters).

CND $49.95 (USD $33.42)
Qty (from 1 to 1)
StegoTack Double sided adhesive
SKU: StegoTack

StegoTack Tape is a doublesided adhesive used to bond and seal Stego Wrap to concrete, masonry, wood, metal, and other surfaces. StegoTack is a flexible and moldable material to allow for a variety of applications and installations. 


CND $46.95 (USD $31.41)
Qty (from 1 to 18)
Stego Term Bar
SKU: StegoTerm Bar

 Stego Term Bar (Note now in grey) is a semiflexible plastic termination bar used for mechanically securing Stego Wrap or other materials to concrete, masonry, or wood. Comes  50 in a box each pice is 42" (106.7 cm) long.


CND $169.95 (USD $113.70)
Qty (from 1 to 1)
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