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Privacy statement

We respect your privacy!

It is our policy to respect the privacy of individuals who visit the site or provide comments to us. Radon Detect Inc. has a strict policy for handling customer information. The information you provide to Radon Detect Inc.  is confidential and protected with the utmost care. Radon Detect will only disclose or distribute customer information required to complete your order;  (customer contact information is distibuted to our courier and warehouse for shipping purposes only).

Cookie policy

Use of cookies – Radon Detect Inc.

Like most websites our site uses “cookies”. Cookies are used to track specific information about you and your visit. Cookies are an esential part of all shopping carts to be able to keep track off all customers and transactions and create a pleasant shopping experianc. Our website is setup to only collect cookies that esential and make for a pleasnt shopping experiience.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small text file that is sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive when you visit our site. Each time you use the same computer to access our site, our web servers will be notified of your visit and in turn we may have knowledge of your visit and the pattern of your usage.

 Consent to our use of cookies?

When visiting our website you have the option of adjusting your cookie settings that best suits your needs.

Should you not wish that cookies are stored on your computer, mobile device or tablet, you may change your web browser settings to disable cookies.

4. Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are used on this website for the following purposes.

Statistics. We use cookies to collect visitor statistics in order to get a better understanding of how our website is used.
Improve user experience. We use cookies to store information about your browser history to improve your experience at the website and to provide you with tailored content when appropriate.
Necessary for the website’s performance. We use cookies to enable you to use the website’s features and to secure the website’s proper functionality.

Detailed information regarding the cookies used on this website is available below.

 What sort of cookies does our site use?

Some cookies are necessary for the operation of our Site. For example, when you log in, a cookie will help us recognize you as an existing user and show you the right information. If you choose to block them, some aspects of the site may not work for you.

Non-necessary cookies are diabled autmatically and may be adjusted as you please.

The website uses cookies to allow us to better understand how the site is used. By continuing to use this site, you consent to this policy. Click to learn more.