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Jackel Sump Dome

Jackel Sump Dome
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5.50 Kg
Our price:
CND $219.95 (USD $147.15)
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Jackel the Original Radon/Sump Dome™ is designed to cover an existing basin, providing a new heavy duty cover to seal the basin against Radon Gas on odors; to provide adequate safety. There is no reason to dig up your basement or garage floor to remove the existing sump or sewage basin. Simply remove the old cover and install The Original Radon/Sump Dome™ over the opening, to create a new, completely sealed system.

Model: Jackel-SMR16101-CV

Features and Benefits

  • Passive Radon Mitigation
  • Retro-fit/repair old sump or sewage basin covers
  • Heavy duty construction
  • Universal and easy to install, fits over all installed basins
  • Great for property transfers and rentals Top discharge and vent


Top Cover Diameter: 18"

Dome Diameter: 24"

Structural Thickness: 5/8"

Material: Injection Molded Polyethylene Structural Foam

Application: Passive Radon Mitigation/Retro-fitting

Can be configured for most standard pipe sizes

Vent discharge only fits 3" pipe

Blanking plates available for no-discharge pipess

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