Home :: Flexible Couplings :: Fantech LDVI Couplings (Sold in Pairs)

Fantech LDVI Couplings (Sold in Pairs)

Fantech LDVI Couplings (Sold in Pairs)
LDVI 4 X 3
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0.65 Kg
Our price:
CND $43.95 (USD $29.40)
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LDVI anti-vibration couplers help make a radon active soil depressurization (ASD) system installation quieter by providing superior vibration isolation.

• Designed specifically for Radon mitigation applications
• Low Durometer Vibration Isolation
• Ledge holds the pipe in place
• Ledge prevents direct pipe-fan contact
• Ledge prevents from turbulent air inside coupler
• Superior noise vibration isolation
• Soft and flexible material

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