Dranjer F-S2 Retrofit sump seal
Whenever the sump is being sealed due to concerns about radon gas or odors Dranjer recomends installing model F-S2 right in the cover.
CND $39.95
(USD $26.73)
Dranjer J-S15 sump drain
Dranjer J-S15 retrofit sump seal, ball valve designed to be used as part of a cover for a basement sump. Not suitable where an active sump depressurization has been incorporated.
CND $29.95
(USD $20.04)
Jackel Sump Dome
SKU: Jackel-CV
Jackel the original sump dome is designed to cover an existing basin. Provides a new heavy duty cover to seal the basin against odors and radon gas.
CND $219.95
(USD $147.15)